Treasure Trooper pays you cash to do stuff online. Much of which you likely already do for free.
Basically you do free offers, surveys and get paid for it. The site also has contests where you can win extra money.
Signing up for Free trial offers, Which pay you Cash!, Is another great feature of Treasure Trooper. Many offers pay you to try their service for Free in hope that if you like it you may choose to continue membership. Of course if you don't like the service there are no obligations. You can get paid to sign up for such things as Freecreditreports.com will pay you $10 to try the service or Ebay will pay you $6.50 to make a account and place a bid (even if you don't win the item!).
There is also a Daily Product survey which they pay you 75 cents to participate by answering a few questions. Maybe you think that's chump change BUT if you do a survey everyday you will get $23 at the end of the month. Not only is that easy $ but also it gets your account past the $20 payout.
Did I mention there also Real Treasure Hunts for cash and prizes? The biggest Hunt is for $100 if you find the Lost Statue of the Mambiko tribe. This Hunt can be won by anyone and everyone who finds it.
Sign Up with Treasure Trooper
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